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Ireklekh: The opinion of "IREKLEKH" in connection with the statement of Vladimir Putin about the voluntary study of national languages

Ireklekh22.07.2017 20:484905 хут пӑхнӑ

The opinion of "IREKLEKH" in connection with the statement of Vladimir Putin about the voluntary study of national languages


July 22, 2017.

The opinion of Vladimir Putin about the study of national languages is unconstitutional, completely ill-considered, provocative, which runs counter to international norms. This should in no case be allowed in the Chuvash Republic.

In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Chuvashia is a republic (state). According to her, the Chuvash Republic established two state languages ​​- Chuvash and Russian. In accordance with the Basic Law of the Federation, the state Chuvash in state and municipal institutions throughout the territory of Chuvashia is used along with the state Russian.

A small digression ... Let's open the explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov, we find the word "along", which means "equally, on a par." Along the same lines, on the same rights and conditions. At the same time!

The Chuvash language in Chuvashia should have full rights and the same status as the Russian! This is required by the law and the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

The legislation of the Chuvash Republic on languages is based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation, universally recognized principles and norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation, federal and republican normative legal acts. Concern for the preservation and development of the Chuvash language as the most important national sign and the basis of the whole spiritual culture rests with the Chuvash Republic.

Thus, in accordance with the current legislation, the Republic has not only the full right, but also an obligation to protect the Chuvash language - the state language of the Chuvash Republic! In Chuvashia, in all educational organizations without exception, the Chuvash language should be taught as a state language. It is also necessary to start a gradual and step-by-step translation of the entire educational process into the Chuvash language (whether it will be initially individual educational programs, subjects or schools - the methodologists and scientific employees of the Institute of Education will decide) and, of course, it is unacceptable to reduce the level and time of teaching Chuvash.

We pay special attention to this by the regional minister of education, the Head of Chuvashia, the President of the Russian Federation. Chuvashia - as all our society, organizations of civil activists, local self-government bodies, republican profile ministries, the Government of Chuvashia and its Head is responsible for itsfuture.

The Chuvash Republican Public Organization "The Society for National and Cultural Rebirth "Ireklekh"

Редакцирен: Статьяна вырнаҫтарни редакци автор шухӑшӗпе килӗшнине пӗлтермест.


2017.08.03 08:32
Владимир Изачак
Ай, мы какие! Выходим на международный уровень!
Акапасар // 1828.61.5452
2017.08.04 09:32
Кунта акӑлчанла калаҫас пулать. Speak English, please!


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Эсир усӑ курма пултаракан Wiki тэгсем:

__...__ - сӑмаха каҫӑ евӗр тӑвасси.

__aaa|...__ - сӑмахӑн каҫине тепӗр сӑмахпа хатӗрлесси («...» вырӑнне «ааа» пулӗ).

__|...__ - сӑмах ҫине тулаш каҫӑ лартасси.

**...** - хулӑм шрифтпа палӑртасси.

~~...~~ - тайлӑк шрифтпа палӑртасси.

___...___ - аялтан чӗрнӗ йӗрпе палӑртасси.


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